Sri Kanakadhara Stotram

 Sri Kanakadhara Stotram with Lyrics

About Kanakadhara Stotram:

Once Sankaracharya was going to a few houses to take bhiksha. He came across a hut and asked for bhiksha. ( food ). The woman inside the house was embarrassed as a saint has come to her house for food but she is so poor that nothing was available in her house. She searched all the places n finally found an old Amla fruit (Emblic myrobalan) ( Nelli Kani in Tamil ). The poor women were feeling shy to give only this little amla fruit to Sankaya but she has immense devotion and doesn't want to send the saint who came to her house empty-handed. She offered the amla fruit in the bowl of Lord Sankaracharya.

Sankaracharya realized the women's devotion irrespective of being poor. He immediately started singing twenty-one slokas praising Goddess Mahalakshmi, praying her to bless the poor women by driving her poverty and grant her riches.

Mahalakshmi replied that the lady has not done any good deeds ( helping others in charity ) in her previous birth. so she doesn't deserve riches and is destined to suffer in poverty. Adi Shankaracharya accepted it but said though the poor lady didn't do any good deeds in a previous birth, in this birth, she has such a kind heart that irrespective of being poor, she gave this little amla fruit to him and this good deed alone is enough to bless her with all prosperity.

Goddess Mahalakshmi's grace :

Listening to Sankaracharya's beautiful stotra and his argument that the poor women must be blessed for her good deed in this birth ( offering of little amla fruit ), Mahalakshmi was moved.  Here comes the greatness of this Goddess. She really is for devotion and purity of heart. If we always involve in good deeds, always chanting God's name, we will surely be blessed by Mahalakshmi.

As Sankaracharya was singing Kanagadhara stotram, Mahalakshmi showered Golden amla fruit like rain in front of the poor women's hut. Imagine, rain of golden fruit showering from the sky. How beautiful is this story. How beautiful is the devotion of the poor lady and how great is the saint Adi Sankaracharya who sang in praise of Mahalakshmi and beyond all this How graceful is this Goddess Mahalakshmi.

Adi Sankaracharya has sung this "Kanakadhara stotra" for the welfare of everyone who is suffering their past karma and suffering in poverty.

Sri Kanakadhara Stotram Lyrics in English with Meaning:

Vande vandāru mandāramindirānanda kandalaṃ

Amandānanda sandoha bandhuraṃ sindhurānanam

अङ्गं हरेः पुलकभूषणमाश्रयन्ती

भृङ्गाङ्गनेव मुकुलाभरणं तमालम् ।


माङ्गल्यदास्तु मम मङ्गलदेवतायाः ॥

Angam Hareh Pulaka-Bhuussannam-Aashrayantii

Bhringga-Anggan[a-I]eva Mukula-[A]abharannam Tamaalam |


Maanggalya-Daa-[A]stu Mama Manggala-Devataayaah ||


(Salutations to Mother Lakshmi) Who always dwell in the Body of Hari like an ornament of Ecstatic Delight (Pulaka), ...

Like the Bees which delightfully decorate (dwelling over) the half-open Flowers of the Tamala tree (with their ecstatic humming sound),

Who has contained within Her Body the entire Opulence of the Universe, (and She showers Wealth) through the Play of Her Divine Glance (Apanga Leela),

May that Glance brings Auspiciousness in my Life; that Divine Glance of the Mangala Devata (Godhead of Auspiciousness and Welfare).

मुग्धा मुहुर्विदधती वदने मुरारेः

प्रेमत्रपाप्रणिहितानि गतागतानि ।

माला दृशोर्मधुकरीव महोत्पले या

सा मे श्रियं दिशतु सागरसम्भवायाः ||

Mugdhaa Muhur-Vidadhatii Vadane Muraareh

Prema-Trapaa-Prannihitaani Gataagataani |

Maalaa Drshor-Madhukarii-[I]va Mahotpale Yaa

Saa Me Shriyam Dishatu Saagara-Sambhavaayaah ||


(Salutations to Mother Lakshmi) Who is charmed (by Hari), and incessantly directs Her Glances on the Face of Murari,

(The Glances) Filled with Love and Bashfulness, directed towards Hari, go out in this moment (Out of Love) and return in the next moment (out of Bashfulness),

As if the series of Glances has taken the form of (a series of) Female Bees (Madhukari) who go round and round a Huge Water Lily (Mahotpala),

May She bestows on me (Her Glance filled with) Sriyam (Good Fortune), She Who has arisen out of the Ocean (Sagara Sambhava),


आनन्दहेतुरधिकं मुरविद्विषोऽपि ।

ईषन्निषीदतु मयि क्षणमीक्षणार्धम्_

इन्दीवरोदरसहोदरमिन्दिरायाः ॥


Aananda-Hetur-Adhikam Mura-Vidvisso-[A]pi |

Iissan-Nissiidatu Mayi Kssannam-Iikssanna-Ardham_

Indiivaro[a-U]dara-Sahodaram-Indiraayaah ||


(Salutations to Mother Lakshmi) Who is capable of granting the position of the Chief of the Devas of the (Three) Worlds (i.e. Indra Deva) by a mere Wish,

And also (capable of) overflowing the Enemy of Mura (i.e. Sri Hari) with great Joy,

May a little of that Glance (of Grace), even for a moment rest on me from Her Half-Closed Eyes,

(The Eyes with) Splendor resembling the Blue Lotuses,

आमीलिताक्षमधिगम्य मुदा मुकुन्दम्_

आनन्दकन्दमनिमेषमनङ्गतन्त्रम् ।


भूत्यै भवेन्मम भुजङ्गशयाङ्गनायाः ॥

Aamiilita-Akssam-Adhigamya Mudaa Mukundam_

Aananda-Kandam-Animessam-Anangga-Tantram |


Bhuutyai Bhaven-Mama Bhujangga-Shaya-Angganaayaah ||


(Salutations to Mother Lakshmi) Whose fully opened Eyes have captured within it the Joyous Form of Mukunda,

And the Unwinking Eyes are (now) showering great Joy filled with great Love (Tantra of Ananga or Kamadeva),

From the corner of that Eye, let a ray of Glance take Wing, ...

And come to me; (Come to me) from the Consort of Bhujaga Sayana (the one resting on the Serpent),

कालाम्बुदालिललितोरसि कैटभारेर्_

धाराधरे स्फुरति या तडिदङ्गनेव ।

मातुः समस्तजगतां महनीयमूर्तिर्_

भद्राणि मे दिशतु भार्गवनन्दनायाः ॥

Kaala-Ambu-Da-Ali-Lalito[a-U]rasi Kaittabha-Arer_

Dhaaraadhare Sphurati Yaa Taddid-Anggane[a-I]va |

Maatuh Samasta-Jagataam Mahaniiya-Muurtir_

Bhadraanni Me Dishatu Bhaargava-Nandanaayaah ||


(Salutations to Mother Lakshmi) Who plays like a Bee on the Bosom of the enemy of Kaitabha (i.e. Sri Hari), which is like a Black Water-Bearing (Cloud) ...

(The Play which is) Like Lightning flashing over the Cloudy Sky,

O Mother, Your Form is the most Glorious in all the Universe,

(May that Auspicious Form) bestow Auspiciousness to me (by touching my Life); (The Auspicious Form of the) Gladdener of the Bhargava lineage,

बाह्वन्तरे मधुजितः श्रितकौस्तुभे या

हारावलीव हरिनीलमयी विभाति ।

कामप्रदा भगवतोऽपि कटाक्षमाला

कल्याणमावहतु मे कमलालयायाः ॥

Baahv[u]-Antare Madhu-Jitah Shrita-Kaustubhe Yaa

Haaraavali-Iva Hariniilamayii Vibhaati |

Kaama-Pradaa Bhagavato-[A]pi Kattaakssa-Maalaa

Kalyaannam-Aavahatu Me Kamala-[A]alayaayaah ||


(Salutations to Mother Lakshmi) Who resides between the Arms (i.e. in the Heart) of Madhujita (Conquerer of demon Madhu) where lies the Kaustubha Mani, ...

There She shines like Haravali (A String of Pearls) which are Harinila (Yellowish-Blue),

Who gives rise to Love even in Bhagavan through the string of Her Kataksha (Side Glances),

May those (Side Glances) bring Auspiciousness to me (by touching my Life); (Those Side Glances of the One) Dwelling in Lotuses,

प्राप्तं पदं प्रथमतः किल यत्प्रभावान्

माङ्गल्यभाजि मधुमाथिनि मन्मथेन ।

मय्यापतेत्तदिह मन्थरमीक्षणार्धं

मन्दालसं च मकरालयकन्यकायाः ॥

Praaptam Padam Prathamatah Kila Yat-Prabhaavaan

Maanggalya-Bhaaji Madhu-Maathini Manmathena |

Mayyaa-Patet-Tad-Iha Mantharam-Iikssanna-Ardham

Manda-Alasam Ca Makaraalaya-Kanyakaayaah ||


(Salutations to Mother Lakshmi) By Whose Power indeed (Manmatha) first obtained a place; ...

Manmatha (Kamadeva) (obtained a place) on the slayer of Madhu (i.e. Sri Hari); (That Hari) Who is always connected with the conferrer of Happiness (i.e. Devi Mahalakshmi),

May that Power from the (Glance of the) Gentle Half-Open Eyes fall on me now,

(That Glance which is) Soft and Gentle; (That Glance) of the Daughter of the Ocean,

दद्याद् दयानुपवनो द्रविणाम्बुधाराम्_

अस्मिन्नकिञ्चनविहङ्गशिशौ विषण्णे ।

दुष्कर्मघर्ममपनीय चिराय दूरं

नारायणप्रणयिनीनयनाम्बुवाहः ॥

Dadyaad Daya-Anupavano Dravinna-Ambu-Dhaaraam_

Asminn-Akin.cana-Vihangga-Shishau Vissannnne |

Dusskarma-Gharmam-Apaniiya Ciraaya Duuram

Naaraayanna-Prannayinii-Nayana-Ambu-Vaahah ||


(Salutations to Mother Lakshmi) May She bestow the Wind of Her Mercy and Shower of Her Wealth ...

to this Utterly Destitute, who is helpless as a child of a Bird, and downcast (with Poverty), ...

and remove forever the Heat of Sinful Activities (from life),

May the Shower of the Rain (of Mercy) from the Eyes of the Beloved of Narayana (bestow this),

इष्टा विशिष्टमतयोऽपि यया दयार्द्र_

दृष्ट्या त्रिविष्टपपदं सुलभं लभन्ते ।

दृष्टिः प्रहृष्टकमलोदरदीप्तिरिष्टां

पुष्टिं कृषीष्ट मम पुष्करविष्टरायाः ॥

Issttaa Vishisstta-Mata-Yo-[A]pi Yayaa Dayaa-[Aa]rdra_

Drssttyaa Trivissttapa-Padam Sulabham Labhante |

Drssttih Prahrsstta-Kamalo[a-U]dara-Diipti-Rissttaam

Pussttim Krssiisstta Mama Pusskara-Vissttaraayaah ||


(Salutations to Mother Lakshmi) By Her Merciful Glance even the most Distinguished (and Difficult) Desires, ...

like a Position in Heaven is obtained with ease; Such is the Power of Her Glance moist with Compassion,

That Glance which is like the Splendour contained within the interior of a Lotus, a Lotus which is blossoming (by being) Thrilled with Joy, ...

May that Glance Nourish my Wishes; That Merciful Glance of the One Seated on the Lotus,

गीर्देवतेति गरुडध्वजसुन्दरीति

शाकम्भरीति शशिशेखरवल्लभेति ।

सृष्टिस्थितिप्रलयकेलिषु संस्थितायै

तस्यै नमस्त्रिभुवनैकगुरोस्तरुण्यै ॥

Giir-Devate[aa-I]ti Garudda-Dhvaja-Sundarii-[I]ti

Shaakambharii-[I]ti Shashi-Shekhara-Vallabhe[a-I]ti |

Srsstti-Sthiti-Pralaya-Kelissu Samsthitaayai

Tasyai Namas-Tri-Bhuvanai[a-E]ka-Guros-Tarunnyai ||


(Salutations to Mother Lakshmi) Who is called as "Gir Devata" (Goddess of Speech), "Garuda Dhwaja Sundari" (The Beautiful Consort of the One with Garuda as Emblem), ...

"Shakambhari" (Who sustains everyone with Vegetation) and "Shashi Sekhara Vallabha" (Who is the beloved of the One with Moon on the Head),

Who eternally abides during the Divine Play of Srishti (Creation), Sthiti (Maintenance), and Pralaya (Destruction),

To Her, Who is the ever Youthful Consort of the One Guru of all the Worlds, the Three Worlds offer their Reverential Salutations,

श्रुत्यै नमोऽस्तु शुभकर्मफलप्रसूत्यै

रत्यै नमोऽस्तु रमणीयगुणार्णवायै ।

शक्त्यै नमोऽस्तु शतपत्रनिकेतनायै

पुष्ट्यै नमोऽस्तु पुरुषोत्तमवल्लभायै ॥

Shrutyai Namo-[A]stu Shubha-Karma-Phala-Prasuutyai

Ratyai Namo-[A]stu Ramanniiya-Gunna-Arnnavaayai |

Shaktyai Namo-[A]stu Shata-Patra-Niketanaayai

Pussttyai Namo-[A]stu Purussottama-Vallabhaayai ||


(Salutations to Mother Lakshmi) Salutations to You as Shruti (Vedas), Who produces Auspicious Results of Works (when Shruti is followed in our lives),

Salutations to You as Rati, Who is an Ocean of Good Qualities,

Salutations to You as Shakti, Who abides within the Abode of Hundred Petals (Lotus of Kundalini), (and)

Salutations to You as Pussti (Nourishment) Who is the beloved of Purushottama,

नमोऽस्तु नालीकनिभाननायै

नमोऽस्तु दुग्धोदधिजन्मभूत्यै ।

नमोऽस्तु सोमामृतसोदरायै

नमोऽस्तु नारायणवल्लभायै ॥

Namo-[A]stu Naaliika-Nibha-[A]ananaayai

Namo-[A]stu Dugdho[a-U]dadhi-Janma-Bhuutyai |

Namo-[A]stu Soma-Amrta-Sodaraayai

Namo-[A]stu Naaraayanna-Vallabhaayai ||


(Salutations to Mother Lakshmi) Salutations to You Who has the Face resembling a Lotus,

Salutations to You Who was born from the Ocean of Milk,

Salutations to You Who resides within the beauty of the Nectar of the Moon, (and)

Salutations to You Who is the most beloved of Sri Narayana,

{ Adhika Slokas }

Namosthu hemambhuja peetikayai,

Namosthu bhoo mandala nayikayai,

Namosthu devathi dhaya prayai,

Namosthu Sarngayudha vallabhayai.


(Salutations to Mother Lakshmi)Salutations to her who has the golden lotus as the seat,

Salutations to her who is the leader of the universe,

Salutations to her who showers mercy on devas,

And salutations to the consort of Him who has the bow called Saranga.

Namosthu devyai bhrugu nandanayai,

Namosthu vishnorurasi sthithayai,

Namosthu lakshmyai kamalalayai,

Namosthu dhamodhra vallabhayai.


(Salutations to Mother Lakshmi)Salutations to her who is the daughter of Bhrigu,

Salutations to her lives on the holy chest of Vishnu,

Salutations to Goddess Lakshmi who lives in a lotus,

And salutations to her who is the consort of Damodhara.

Namosthu Kanthyai kamalekshanayai,

Namosthu bhoothyai bhuvanaprasoothyai,

Namosthu devadhibhir archithayai,

Namosthu nandhathmaja vallabhayai.


(Salutations to Mother Lakshmi)Salutations to her who is light living in Lotus flower,

Salutations to her who is the earth and also the mother of earth,

Salutations to her who is worshipped by Devas,

And salutations to her who is the consort of the son of Nanda

सम्पत्कराणि सकलेन्द्रियनन्दनानि

साम्राज्यदानविभवानि सरोरुहाक्षि ।

त्वद्वन्दनानि दुरिताहरणोद्यतानि

मामेव मातरनिशं कलयन्तु मान्ये ॥

Sampat-Karaanni Sakale[a-I]ndriya-Nandanaani

Saamraajya-Daana-Vibhavaani Saroruha-Akssi |

Tvad-Vandanaani Duritaa-Haranno[a-U]dyataani

Maam-Eva Maatar-Anisham Kalayantu Maanye ||


(Salutations to Mother Lakshmi) (Whose Lotus-Like Eyes are) the cause of Prosperity (Externally), and also the cause of great joy in all the Senses (Internally),

(And) Whose Lotus-Like Eyes holds the Power to bestow a Kingdom,

Singing Your Glories awakens Your Grace to remove the Difficulties and Sinful Tendencies from our Lives, ...

(Therefore) O Mother, May I always be blessed to Serve You and Sing Your Glories,


सेवकस्य सकलार्थसम्पदः ।

संतनोति वचनाङ्गमानसैस्_

त्वां मुरारिहृदयेश्वरीं भजे ॥


Sevakasya Sakala-Artha-Sampadah |

Samtanoti Vacana-Angga-Maanasais_

Tvaam Muraari-Hrdaye[a-I]shvariim Bhaje ||


(Salutations to Mother Lakshmi) The Worship of Whose Merciful Glance is the ...

entire Devotion and Wealth of Her Servants,

(Therefore) May my Speech, Body, and Mind be enveloped by ...

Your Worship; You Who are the beloved Goddess residing within the Heart of Murari (i.e. Sri Hari),

सरसिजनिलये सरोजहस्ते

धवलतमांशुकगन्धमाल्यशोभे ।

भगवति हरिवल्लभे मनोज्ञे

त्रिभुवनभूतिकरि प्रसीद मह्यम् ॥

Sarasija-Nilaye Saroja-Haste

Dhavalatama-Amshuka-Gandha-Maalya-Shobhe |

Bhagavati Hari-Vallabhe Manojnye

Tri-Bhuvana-Bhuuti-Kari Prasiida Mahyam ||


(Salutations to Mother Lakshmi) Who abides in the Lotus and holds Lotus in Her Hands,

Who is dressed in Dazzling White Garments and decorated with the most Fragrant Garlands (She radiates a Divine Aura),

O Goddess, You are Dearer than the Dearest of Hari and the most Captivating,

You are the Source of Well-Being and Prosperity of all the Three Worlds; O Mother, Please be Gracious to me,

दिग्घस्तिभिः कनककुम्भमुखावसृष्ट_
स्वर्वाहिनीविमलचारुजलप्लुताङ्गीम् ।
प्रातर्नमामि जगतां जननीमशेष_
लोकाधिनाथगृहिणीममृताब्धिपुत्रीम् ॥

Dig-[G]hastibhih Kanaka-Kumbha-Mukha-Avasrsstta_
Svar-Vaahinii-Vimala-Caaru-Jala-Pluta-Anggiim |
Praatar-Namaami Jagataam Jananiim-Ashessa_
Loka-Adhinaatha-Grhinniim-Amrta-Abdhi-Putriim ||

(Salutations to Mother Lakshmi) Who (is bathed) by the Dig Hastis (Elephants of the Directions), Who are pouring (Waters) from the mouth of Golden Pitchers, ...
The Water which is Pure and Stainless and flowing from the Celestial Regions; Her Body bathed by Celestial Waters is appearing Shining Beautiful,
In the Early Morning, I Salute this Eternal Mother of the Universe,
Who is the Consort of the Supreme Lord of the Universe, and the Daughter of the Nectar Ocean,

कमले कमलाक्षवल्लभे
त्वं करुणापूरतरङ्गितैरपाङ्गैः ।
अवलोकय मामकिञ्चनानां
प्रथमं पात्रमकृत्रिमं दयायाः ॥

Kamale Kamala-Akssa-Vallabhe
Tvam Karunnaa-Puura-Taranggitair-Apaanggaih |
Avalokaya Maam-Akin.canaanaam
Prathamam Paatram-Akrtrimam Dayaayaah ||

(Salutations to Mother Lakshmi) O Mother Kamala, O the Lotus-Eyed Beloved (of Sri Hari), ...
You kindly (look at me) with Your Eyes filled with the waves of Compassion, ...
Look at me who is utterly Destitute, ...
and the first person deserving Your unreserved Compassion,

स्तुवन्ति ये स्तुतिभिरमूभिरन्वहं
त्रयीमयीं त्रिभुवनमातरं रमाम् ।
गुणाधिका गुरुतरभाग्यभागिनो
भवन्ति ते भुवि बुधभाविताशयाः ॥

Stuvanti Ye Stutibhir-Amuubhir-Anvaham
Trayiimayiim Tri-Bhuvana-Maataram Ramaam |
Gunna-Adhikaa Gurutara-Bhaagya-Bhaagino
Bhavanti Te Bhuvi Budha-Bhaavitaa-Shayaah ||

(Salutations to Mother Lakshmi) Those who glorify with this Hymn, every day, ...
the Ramaa (Devi Lakshmi) Who is Trayimayi (The embodiment of the Three Vedas) and Mother of the Three Worlds, ...
will be filled with abundant Virtues, and be blessed with the destiny of very Venerable persons,
They will become Wise in the World by Your Grace awakening their Wisdom.



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