Sri Venkatewara Suprabhatam & Stotras
कौसल्या सुप्रजा राम पूर्वासन्ध्या प्रवर्तते ।
उत्तिष्ठ नरशार्दूल कर्त्तव्यं दैवमाह्निकम् ॥१॥
Kausalyaa Su-Prajaa Raama Puurvaa-Sandhyaa
Pravartate |
Uttissttha Nara-Shaarduula Karttavyam
Daivam-Aahnikam ||1||
1.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) O Rama, the most Excellent Son of Kaushalya; in the East the Dawn is fast approaching in this Beautiful juncture of Night and Day,
1.2: Please Wake Up in Our Hearts, O Purushottama (the Best of Men ) so
that we can perform our Daily Duties as Divine Rituals unto
You and thus do the Ultimate Duty of our lives.
उत्तिष्ठोत्तिष्ठ गोविन्द उत्तिष्ठ गरुडध्वज ।
उत्तिष्ठ कमलाकान्त त्रैलोक्यं मङ्गलं कुरु ॥२॥
Uttissttho[ah-U]ttissttha Govinda Uttissttha Garudda-Dhvaja |
Uttissttha Kamalaa-Kaanta Trai-Lokyam Manggalam
Kuru ||2||
2.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this
Beautiful Dawn Wake Up, Wake Up O Govinda within
Our Hearts. Wake Up O the
One with Garuda in
His Flag,
2.2: Please Wake Up, O Beloved of Kamala and fill the
Hearts of the Devotees in the Three Worlds with the Auspicious Bliss of Your Presence.
मातस्समस्तजगतां मधुकैटभारेः
वक्षोविहारिणि मनोहरदिव्यमूर्ते ।
श्रीस्वामिनि श्रितजनप्रियदानशीले
श्रीवेङ्कटेशदयिते तव सुप्रभातम् ॥३॥
Maatas-Samasta-Jagataam Madhu-Kaittabha-Areh
Vaksso-Vihaarinni Manohara-Divya-Muurte |
Shrii-Svaamini Shrita-Janapriya-Daanashiile
Shrii-Vengkattesha-Dayite Tava Suprabhaatam
3.1 (Salutations to Divine Mother Lakshmi) In
this Beautiful Dawn, O Mother of all the Worlds, Let Our
Inner enemies
Madhu and Kaitabha disappear,
3.2: And Let us only see Your Beautiful Divine Form playing within the Heart of Sri Govinda in the entire Creation,
3.3: You are worshipped as the Lord of all the Worlds and extremely Dear to the Devotees; and
Your Liberal
Disposition has
created such Abundance in Creation,
3.4: Such is Your Glory that this Beautiful Dawn of Your Creation is being cherished by Sri Venkatesa Himself.
तव सुप्रभातमरविन्दलोचने
भवतु प्रसन्नमुखचन्द्रमण्डले ।
वृशशैलनाथदयिते दयानिधे ॥४॥
Tava Suprabhaatam-Aravinda-Locane
Bhavatu Prasanna-Mukha-Candra-Mannddale |
Vrsha-Shaila-Naatha-Dayite Dayaa-Nidhe ||4||
4.1: (Salutations to Divine Mother Lakshmi) In
this Beautiful
Dawn of Yours, Let us see
the Creation within Your Lotus-Eyes,
4.2: Let us see the Creation existing within the Halo of Your Compassionate Moon-Face,
4.3: You are Served and Worshipped by Vidhi (Sri Brahma), Sri Shankara and Indra Deva,
4.4: And Your Ocean of Compassion manifested
in Creation as Abundance is cherished by the Lord of Vrishabhadra Hill.
अत्र्यादिसप्तऋषयस्समुपास्य सन्ध्यां
आकाशसिन्धुकमलानि मनोहराणि ।
आदाय पादयुगमर्चयितुं प्रपन्नाः
शेषाद्रिशेखरविभो तव सुप्रभातम् ॥५॥
Atryaadi-Sapta-Rssayas-Samupaasya Sandhyaam
Aakaasha-Sindhu-Kamalaani Manoharaanni |
Aadaaya Paada-Yugam-Arcayitum Prapannaah
Shessaadri-Shekhara-Vibho Tava Suprabhaatam
5.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this
Beautiful Dawn when the Night is meeting the Day, Sage Atri and other Sapta Rishis are chanting the Morning Prayers together ...
5.2: ... near the Akasa Ganga River on which is blossoming the Beautiful Lotuses;
5.3: And then taking Refuge in Your Lotus Feet they are Worshipping them,
5.4: (The Sapta-Rishis are Singing) Salutations
to You, O Govinda, the One Who Manifested on the Peak of the Seshadri Hill;
Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.
त्रैविक्रमादिचरितं विबुधाः स्तुवन्ति ।
भाषापतिः पठति वासरशुद्धिमारात्
शेषाद्रिशेखरविभो तव सुप्रभातम् ॥६॥[A]anana-Abja-Bhava-Ssannmukha-Vaasava-[A]adyaah
Traivikrama-[A]adi-Caritam Vibudhaah Stuvanti |
Bhaassaa-Patih Patthati Vaasara-Shuddhimaaraat
Shessaadri-Shekhara-Vibho Tava Suprabhaatam
6.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this
Beautiful Dawn, Sri Panchanana (Five-Faced
Brahma) abiding on Lotus, Sri Shanmukha (Six-Faced
Subramaniya), Indra Deva and Other Devas,
6.2: Are praising the Divine Deeds of Trivikrama (Who
covered the 3 worlds with his steps) and other Incarnations of Yours,
6.3: Sri Brihaspati, the Lord of Sacred Speech is Reciting the Sacred Hymns to Purify the Day,
6.4: (The Gods are Singing) Salutations to You,
O Govinda, the One Who Manifested on the Peak of
the Seshadri
Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.
पूगद्रुमादिसुमनोहरपालिकानाम् ।
आवाति मन्दमनिलस्सह दिव्यगन्धैः
शेषाद्रिशेखरविभो तव सुप्रभातम् ॥७॥
Puuga-Druma-[A]adi-Sumanohara-Paalikaanaam |
Aavaati Mandam-Anilas-Saha Divya-Gandhaih
Shessaadri-Shekhara-Vibho Tava Suprabhaatam ||7||
7.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this
Beautiful Dawn, The slightly Blooming Lotuses on the Lake and the Coconut, ...
7.2: ... Betel-Nut and other Trees Beautifully set along the edge of the Lake ...
7.3: ... are Worshipping You O Lord, by blowing Gentle Breeze towards You which is filled with Divine Fragrance,
7.4: (The Trees are Singing) Salutations to You,
O Govinda, the One Who Manifested on the Peak of
the Seshadri
Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.
उन्मील्य नेत्रयुगमुत्तमपञ्जरस्थाः
पात्रावशिष्टकदलीफलपायसानि ।
भुक्त्वा सलीलमथ केलिशुकाः पठन्ति
शेषाद्रिशेखरविभो तव सुप्रभातम् ॥८॥
Unmiilya Netra-Yugam-Uttama-Pan.jarasthaah
Paatra-Avashisstta-Kadalii-Phala-Paayasaani |
Bhuktvaa Saliilam-Atha Keli-Shukaah Patthanti
Shessaadri-Shekhara-Vibho Tava Suprabhaatam
8.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this
Beautiful Dawn, opening their pair of Eyes those excellent Parrots living within the Cage,
8.2: See Your Prasad consisting of Sweet Payasam mixed with Bananas Leftover in their Bowls;
8.3: And having eaten them Playfully, they are Playfully Reciting Your Hymns,
8.4: (The Parrots are Singing) Salutations to
You, O Govinda, the One Who Manifested on the Peak of the Seshadri Hill;
Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.
तन्त्रीप्रकर्षमधुरस्वनया विपञ्च्या
गायत्यनन्तचरितं तव नारदोऽपि ।
शेषाद्रिशेखरविभो तव सुप्रभातम् ॥९॥
Tantrii-Prakarssa-Madhura-Svanayaa Vipan.cyaa
Gaayaty-Ananta-Caritam Tava Naarado[a-A]pi |
Shessaadri-Shekhara-Vibho Tava Suprabhaatam
9.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this
Beautiful Dawn the string of
the Lute of Sage Narada is emitting exceedingly Sweet Music,
9.2: And Sage Narada is Singing Your Endless Divine Deeds,
9.3: And all those descriptions of
Your Deeds spreading out ( i.e. wandering ) in streams (i.e. repeatedly ) in all Directions are delightful to the Devotees,
9.4: (Sage Narada is Singing) Salutations to
You, O Govinda, the One Who Manifested on the Peak of the Seshadri Hill;
Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.
भृङ्गावली च मकरन्दरसानुविद्ध
झङ्कारगीतनिनदैस्सह सेवनाय ।
शेषाद्रिशेखरविभो तव सुप्रभातम् ॥१०॥
Bhrnggaavalii Ca Makaranda-Rasa-Anuviddha
Jhangkaara-Giita-Ninadais-Saha Sevanaaya |
Shessaadri-Shekhara-Vibho Tava Suprabhaatam
10.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this
Beautiful Dawn the swarm of Bees who
were staying all Night within the Lotus Flowers abounding in the Juice of Honey ...
10.2 ... is Worshipping You at Dawn with the Sweet Sound of
their Buzzing
Music ..
10.3: ... after they came out of the interior of the Lotus Flowers towards the edge of the Lake.
10.4: (The Bees are Singing) Salutations to You,
O Govinda, the One Who Manifested on the Peak of
the Seshadri
Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.
योषागणेन वरदध्नि विमथ्यमाने
घोषालयेषु दधिमन्थनतीव्रघोषाः ।
रोषात्कलिं विदधते ककुभश्च कुम्भाः
शेषाद्रिशेखरविभो तव सुप्रभातम् ॥११॥
Yossaa-Gannena Vara-Dadhni Vi-Mathyamaane
Ghossa-[A]alayessu Dadhi-Manthana-Tiivra-Ghossaah |
Rossaat-Kalim Vidadhate Kakubhashca Kumbhaah
Shessaadri-Shekhara-Vibho Tava Suprabhaatam
11.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this
Beautiful Dawn the Cowherd Girls are engaged in producing the best of Curds,
11.2: The loud sound of Churning of the Curds are coming from their Houses,
11.3: Where their Churning Rods and lofty Pitchers are engaged in passionate strife to
produce the best of Curds,
11.4: (The Cowherd Girls are Singing) Salutations
to You, O Govinda, the One Who Manifested on the Peak of the Seshadri Hill;
Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.
हर्तुं श्रियं कुवलयस्य निजाङ्गलक्ष्म्या ।
भेरीनिनादमिव बिभ्रति तीव्रनादं
शेषाद्रिशेखरविभो तव सुप्रभातम् ॥१२॥
Hartum Shriyam Kuvalayasya Nija-Angga-Lakssmyaa |
Bherii-Ninaadam-Iva Bibhrati Tiivra-Naadam
Shessaadri-Shekhara-Vibho Tava Suprabhaatam ||12||
12.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this Beautiful Dawn, O possessor of Lotus in the Navel and sustainer of the World, the swarm of Bees within the Hundred-Petalled Lotuses,
12.2: Who have surpassed in their Blue Lustre (which is the Color of Sri Vishnu), the Lustre of the Blue Water Lily's own form,
12.3: Are conveying with their loud Humming Sound which appears like the Sound of the Kettle-Drum, the Rise of the Blue Form (i.e. Sri Vishnu) in the Dawn,
12.4: (The Bees are Singing) Salutations to You, O Govinda, the One Who Manifested on the Peak of the Seshadri Hill;
Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.
श्रीश्रीनिवास जगदेकदयैकसिन्धो ।
श्रीवेङ्कटाचलपते तव सुप्रभातम् ॥१३॥
Shrii-Shriinivaasa Jagad-Eka-Daya-i[E]ka-Sindho |
Shrii-Vengkattaacala-Pate Tava Suprabhaatam ||13||
13.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this Beautiful Dawn the Devotees are Invoking You, O Govinda, the possessor of Sri, the desired end of the Devotees, Giver of Boons and Friend of the Entire World,
13.2: The Devotees are Invoking You O Sri Srinivasa, the One (Purusha) in the World Who is the One Ocean of Compassion,
13.3: The One with Divine Form Whose Breast is the Abode of Divine Mother Sri,
13.4: (The Devotees are Singing) Salutations to You, O Govinda, the Lord of the Venkatachala Hill;
Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.
श्रेयोऽर्थिनो हरविरिञ्चसनन्दनाद्याः ।
द्वारे वसन्ति वरवेत्रहतोत्तमाङ्गाः
श्रीवेङ्कटाचलपते तव सुप्रभातम् ॥१४॥
Shreyo[as-A]rthino |
Dvaare Vasanti Vara-Vetra-Hato[a-U]ttama-Anggaah
Shrii-Vengkattaacala-Pate Tava Suprabhaatam ||14||
14.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this Beautiful Dawn the Pure-Bodied Ones (Sri Shiva, Sri Brahma etc) having taken their Bath in the Sri Swami Pushkarini (the temple tank),
14.2: Those Pure Bodied Ones Sri Hara (Sri Shiva), Sri Virinchi (Sri Brahma), Sage Sanandana and Other Sages Who are Your Best Devotees,
14.3: Are proceeding towards the Gate of Your Shrine where are staying Your most Excellent Retinue who have been struck by Your Boon-Giving Staff (and hence blessed to be in your close company),
14.4: (The Devotees are Singing) Salutations to You, O Govinda, the Lord of the Venkatachala Hill;
Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.
श्रीशेषशैल गरुडाचलवेङ्कटाद्रि
नारायणाद्रि वृषभाद्रिवृषाद्रि मुख्याम् ।
आख्यां त्वदीयवसतेरनिशं वदन्ति
श्रीवेङ्कटाचलपते तव सुप्रभातम् ॥१५॥
Shrii-Shessashaila Garuddaacala-Vengkattaadri
Naaraayannaadri Vrssabhaadri-Vrssaadri Mukhyaam |
Aakhyaam Tvadiiya-Vasater-Anisham Vadanti
Shrii-Vengkattaacala-Pate Tava Suprabhaatam ||15||
15.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this Beautiful Dawn the Devotees are Remembering the Sheshadri Hill, the Garudachala Hill, the Venkatadri Hill, ...
15.2: ... the Narayanadri Hill, the Vrishabhadri Hill, the Vrishadri Hill which are the Chief ...
15.3: ... among the Hills named where the Devotees say that You Dwell Incessantly,
15.4: (The Devotees are Singing) Salutations to You, O Govinda, the Lord of the Venkatachala Hill;
Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.
रक्षोऽम्बुनाथ पवमान धनादिनाथाः ।
बद्धाञ्जलि प्रविलसन्निजशीर्ष देशाः
श्रीवेङ्कटाचलपते तव सुप्रभातम् ॥१६॥
Raksso[as-A]mbunaatha Pavamaana Dhana-Adinaathaah |
Baddha-An.jali Pravilasan-Nija-Shiirssa Deshaah
Shrii-Vengkattaacala-Pate Tava Suprabhaatam ||16||
16.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this Beautiful Dawn the Eight Dikpalas (Guardian deities of the eight directions) who are Intent upon Serving You - Shiva (Ishana), Indra ( the Lord of the Devas ), Krishanu (Agni or God of Fire), Dharma (Dharmaraja or Yama), ...
16.2: ... Rakshasa (Niruthi), Varuna ( the Lord of Water ) and Kubera ( the Lord of Wealth ),
16.3: Are standing with their Palms joined in Devotion and their Heads are shining with Divine Glow,
16.4: (The Dikpalas are Singing) Salutations to You, O Govinda, the Lord of the Venkatachala Hill;
Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.
धाटीषु ते विहगराज मृगाधिराज
नागाधिराज गजराज हयाधिराजाः ।
स्वस्वाधिकार महिमाधिकमर्थयन्ते
श्रीवेङ्कटाचलपते तव सुप्रभातम् ॥१७॥
Dhaa-[A]ttiissu Te Vihaga-Raaja Mrga-Adhiraaja
Naaga-Adhiraaja Gaja-Raaja Haya-Adhiraajaah |
Sva-Svaadhikaara Mahima-Adhikam-Arthayante
Shrii-Vengkattaacala-Pate Tava Suprabhaatam ||17||
17.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this Beautiful Dawn Your Vahanas ( Conveyances ) - Garuda ( the King of Birds ), Lion ( the King of Animals ) ...
17.2: ... Adisesha ( the King of Snakes ), Airavatha ( the King of Elephants ) and Ucchaisravas ( the King of Horses ),
17.3: Are seeking Your Blessings for augmenting their greatness in their respective Duties in order to Serve You Better,
17.4: (The Vahanas are Singing) Salutations to You, O Govinda, the Lord of the Venkatachala Hill;
Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.
सूर्येन्दु भौम बुध वाक्पति काव्यसौरि
स्वर्भानु केतु दिविषत्परिषत्प्रधानाः ।
त्वद्दास दास चरमावधि दासदासाः
श्रीवेङ्कटाचलपते तव सुप्रभातम् ॥१८॥
Suurye[a-I]ndu Bhauma Budha Vaak-Pati Kaavya-Sauri
Svarbhaanu Ketu Divissat-Parissat-Pradhaanaah |
Tvad-Daasa Daasa Carama-Avadhi Daasa-Daasaah
Shrii-Vengkattaacala-Pate Tava Suprabhaatam ||18||
18.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this Beautiful Dawn the Navagrahas (Nine Planets) - Surya (Surya), Indu (Moon), Bhauma (Mars), Budha (Mercury), Vakpati (the Lord of Speech or Brihaspati or Jupiter), Kavya (Sukra or Venus), Sauri (Saturn) ...
18.2: ... Swarbhanu (Rahu), Ketu who are among the chief in the assembly of the Devas (Gods),
18.3: Are Your Servant's Servant (i.e. willing to serve Your true Devotees) and will remain as Your Servant's Servant till the end,
18.4: (The Navagrahas are Singing) Salutations to You, O Govinda, the Lord of the Venkatachala Hill;
Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.
त्वत्पादधूलि भरितस्फुरितोत्तमाङ्गाः
स्वर्गापवर्ग निरपेक्ष निजान्तरङ्गाः ।
कल्पागमाकलनयाकुलतां लभन्ते
श्रीवेङ्कटाचलपते तव सुप्रभातम् ॥१९॥
Tvat-Paada-Dhuuli Bharita-Sphurito[a-U]ttamaanggaah
Svarga-Apavarga Nirapekssa Nija-Antar-Anggaah |
Kalpa-[A]agama-[A]akalanaya-[A]akulataam Labhante
Shrii-Vengkattaacala-Pate Tava Suprabhaatam ||19||
19.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this Beautiful Dawn Your Devotees are taking the Sacred Dust of Your Lotus Feet; their Foreheads filled with the Sacred Dust are exhibiting Your Insignia,
19.2: Your Sacred Insignia on their Outer Bodies and Surrender to Your Lotus Feet have made their Inner Bodies (i.e. Mind) Indifferent to Heaven and Desire for Emancipation,
19.3: In the cycles of the Ages to come (referring to passage of time), their Surrender and Desire to Reach Your Lotus Feet will turn into Intense Yearning, and finally attain Your Abode.
19.4: (The Devotees are Singing) Salutations to You, O Govinda, the Lord of the Venkatachala Hill;
Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.
त्वद्गोपुराग्रशिखराणि निरीक्षमाणाः
स्वर्गापवर्गपदवीं परमां श्रयन्तः ।
मर्त्या मनुष्यभुवने मतिमाश्रयन्ते
श्रीवेङ्कटाचलपते तव सुप्रभातम् ॥२०॥
Tvad-Gopura-Agra-Shikharaanni Niriikssamaannaah
Svarga-Apavarga-Padaviim Paramaam Shrayantah |
Martyaa Manussya-Bhuvane Matim-Aashrayante
Shrii-Vengkattaacala-Pate Tava Suprabhaatam ||20||
20.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this Beautiful Dawn Your Devotees are looking at the highest Pinnacle of Your Temple Gopuram (Ornamented Temple Gateway) and contemplating on Its Greatness,
20.2: Which is their Supreme Refuge, superior to position in Heaven and Desire for Emancipation,
20.3: Which is a place where the Heart can Surrender to the Bliss of Your Lotus Feet in this Mortal World of Human Beings.
20.4: (The Devotees are Singing) Salutations to You, O Govinda, the Lord of the Venkatachala Hill;
Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.
श्रीभूमिनायक दयादिगुणामृताब्धे
देवाधिदेव जगदेकशरण्यमूर्ते ।
श्रीवेङ्कटाचलपते तव सुप्रभातम् ॥२१॥
Shrii-Bhuumi-Naayaka Daya-[A]adi-Gunna-Amrta-Abdhe
Deva-Adhi-Deva Jagad-Eka-Sharannya-Muurte |
Shrii-Vengkattaacala-Pate Tava Suprabhaatam ||21||
21.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this Beautiful Dawn Your Devotees are having Your Darshan, O Lord of Sri Devi and Bhu Devi; You are an Ocean filled with Compassion and other Nectar-like Qualities,
21.2: You are the God of the Gods and the One Great Embodiment of Giving Refuge to the Devotees in this World,
21.3: O the Possessor of Sri, the Devotees are Worshipping Your Lotus Feet which is Worshipped by Ananta (Adisesha), Garuda and Others.
21.4: (The Devotees are Singing) Salutations to You, O Govinda, the Lord of the Venkatachala Hill;
Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.
श्रीपद्मनाभ पुरुषोत्तम वासुदेव
वैकुण्ठ माधव जनार्दन चक्रपाणे ।
श्रीवत्सचिह्न शरणागतपारिजात
श्रीवेङ्कटाचलपते तव सुप्रभातम् ॥२२॥
Shrii-Padma-Naabha Purussottama Vaasudeva
Vaikunnttha Maadhava Janaardana Cakra-Paanne |
Shriivatsa-Cihna Sharanna-[A]agata-Paarijaata
Shrii-Vengkattaacala-Pate Tava Suprabhaatam ||22||
22.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this Beautiful Dawn Your Devotees are repeating Your various Names - Sri Padmanabha (having Lotus in His Navel), Purushottama, Vasudeva, ...
22.2: Vaikuntha (Abode of Sri Vishnu), Madhava, Janardhana and Chakrapani (holding Chakra in His Hand).
22.3: You are the One with the Mark of Srivatsa on His Chest (where Sri Resides) and the Wish-Fulfiller of all those who take Shelter in Your Lotus Feet.
22.4: (The Devotees are Singing) Salutations to You, O Govinda, the Lord of the Venkatachala Hill;
Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.
कन्दर्पदर्पहर सुन्दर दिव्यमूर्ते
कान्ताकुचाम्बुरुह कुटमल लोलदृष्टे ।
कल्याणनिर्मलगुणाकर दिव्यकीर्ते
श्रीवेङ्कटाचलपते तव सुप्रभातम् ॥२३॥
Kandarpa-Darpa-Hara Sundara Divya-Muurte
Kaantaa-Kuca-Amburuha Kutt-Amala Lola-Drsstte |
Kalyaanna-Nirmala-Gunna-[A]akara Divya-Kiirte
Shrii-Vengkattaacala-Pate Tava Suprabhaatam ||23||
23.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this Beautiful Dawn Your Devotees are Contemplating on Your Beautiful Divine Form which though beyond the Three Gunas has the Power to remove the Pride of Kama Deva (of giving rise to attraction in the mind),
23.2: When Your Incarnation attract Beautiful Women with Lotus-Like Bosom with Your Rolling Glance of Pure Curved Eyes,
23.3: You are Auspicious and Pure and storehouse of abundant Divine Attributes; Your Divine Glory is limitless.
23.4: (The Devotees are Singing) Salutations to You, O Govinda, the Lord of the Venkatachala Hill;
Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.
मीनाकृते कमठ कोल नृसिंह वर्णिन्
स्वामिन् परश्वथतपोधन रामचन्द्र।
शेषांशराम यदुनन्दन कल्किरूप
श्रीवेङ्कटाचलपते तव सुप्रभातम् ॥२४॥
Miina-[A]akrte Kamattha Kola Nrsimha Varnnin
Svaamin Parashv[u]-Atha-Tapodhana Raamacandra|
Shessa-Amsha-Raama Yadu-Nandana Kalki-Ruupa
Shrii-Vengkattaacala-Pate Tava Suprabhaatam ||24||
24.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this Beautiful Dawn Your Devotees are contemplating on Your Divine Incarnations - Sri Matsa Avatara ( Form of Fish ), Sri Kurma Avatara ( Form of Tortoise ), Sri Varaha Avatara ( Form of Boar ), Sri Nrisimha Avatara ( Form of Man-Lion ) ...
24.2: ... Your Form O Lord of Sri Parashurama Avatara ( Wielder of Axe ), Sri Vamana Avatara ( Rich in Austerities ), Sri Ramachandra Avatara ...
24.3: ... Sri Balarama Avatara ( Rama who was Part of Adisesha ), Sri Krishna Avatara ( Son born in Yadu Dynasty ) and the form of Sri Kalki Avatara.
24.4: (The Devotees are Singing) Salutations to You, O Govinda, the Lord of the Venkatachala Hill;
Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.
एला लवङ्ग घनसारसुगन्धितीर्थं
दिव्यं वियत्सरिति हेमघटेषु पूर्णम् ।
धृत्वाऽद्य वैदिक शिखामणयः प्रहृष्टाः
तिष्ठन्ति वेङ्कटपते तव सुप्रभातम् ॥२५॥
Elaa Lavangga Ghanasaara-Sugandhi-Tiirtham
Divyam Viyat-Sariti Hema-Ghattessu Puurnnam |
Dhrtva-Adya Vaidika Shikhaa-Mannayah Prahrssttaah
Tisstthanti Vengkatta-Pate Tava Suprabhaatam ||25||
25.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this Beautiful Dawn the Brahmins are performing Your Divine Rituals; With Water made fragrant with Cardamom, Clove and Camphor ...
25.2: ... the Water obtained from the Divine Akasa Ganga river which they filled in their Golden Pots ...
25.3: ... And now carrying the Pots the Brahmins who are crest-jewel in Vedic Knowledge are thrilled with Divine Joy,
25.4: They are standing before You and Singing - Salutations to You, O Govinda, the Lord of the Venkatachala Hill;
Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.
भास्वानुदेति विकचानि सरोरुहाणि
सम्पूरयन्ति निनदैः ककुभो विहङ्गाः ।
धामाश्रयन्ति तव वेङ्कट सुप्रभातम् ॥२६॥
Bhaasvaan-Udeti Vikacaani Saroruhaanni
Sampuurayanti Ninadaih Kakubho Vihanggaah |
Dhaama-[A]ashrayanti Tava Vengkatta Suprabhaatam ||26||
26.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this Beautiful Dawn the Sun is rising and the Lotus Flowers are blossoming,
26.2: The mountain Birds are filling the Sky with their sweet Chirping Sound,
26.3: The Sri Vaishnavas who are eternally Desirous of Your Auspicious Presence ...
26.4: ... have taken Refuge in Your Abode and they are Singing - Salutations to You, O Venkateswara;
Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.
सन्तस्सनन्दनमुखास्तवथ योगिवर्याः ।
धामान्तिके तव हि मङ्गलवस्तुहस्ताः
श्रीवेङ्कटाचलपते तव सुप्रभातम् ॥२७॥
Santas-Sanandana-Mukhaas-Tav[u]-Atha Yogi-Varyaah |
Dhaama-Antike Tava Hi Manggala-Vastu-Hastaah
Shrii-Vengkattaacala-Pate Tava Suprabhaatam ||27||
27.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this Beautiful Dawn Sri Brahma and other Principal Gods along with the Maharishis, ...
27.2: ... Great Sages like Sanandana and other Eminent Yogis ...
27.3: ... have come to Your Abode in Your Presence with Auspicious Items in their Hands,
27.4: (They are Singing) Salutations to You, O Govinda, the Lord of the Venkatachala Hill;
Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.
लक्ष्मीनिवास निरवद्यगुणैकसिन्धो
संसार सागर समुत्तरणैकसेतो ।
वेदान्तवेद्यनिजवैभव भक्तभोग्य
श्रीवेङ्कटाचलपते तव सुप्रभातम् ॥२८॥
Lakssmii-Nivaasa Nir-Avadya-Gunnai[a-E]ka-Sindho
Samsaara Saagara Sam-Uttarannai[a-E]ka-Seto |
Vedaanta-Vedya-Nijavaibhava Bhakta-Bhogya
Shrii-Vengkattaacala-Pate Tava Suprabhaatam ||28||
28.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this Beautiful Dawn the Devotees are Invoking You; You Who are the Abode of Lakshmi and the One Ocean of blemishless Divine Qualities,
28.2: You Who are the One Bridge to cross over the Samsara (Delusion of Worldly Existence); the Samsara which is like an endless Ocean,
28.3: You Whose Own Divine Glory is only known by understanding the transcendental Knowledge of Vedanta; You Whose Transcendental Nature is always there to be enjoyed by the Devotees,
28.4: (The Devotees are Singing) Salutations to You, O Govinda, the Lord of the Venkatachala Hill;
Salutations to You in this Beautiful Dawn of Yours.
इत्थं वृषाचलपतेरिह सुप्रभातं
ये मानवाः प्रतिदिनं पठितुं प्रवृत्ताः ।
तेषां प्रभातसमये स्मृतिरङ्गभाजां
प्रज्ञां परार्थसुलभां परमां प्रसूते ॥२९॥
Ittham Vrssaacala-Pater-Iha Suprabhaatam
Ye Maanavaah Pratidinam Patthitum Pravrttaah |
Tessaam Prabhaata-Samaye Smrtir-Angga-Bhaajaam
Prajnyaam Paraartha-Sulabhaam Paramaam Prasuute ||29||
29.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) Thus ends the Suprabhatam of the Lord of Vrishachala Hill here,
29.2: Those Persons who will engage themselves in reciting this everyday with Devotion,
29.3: And at Dawn will Worship Sri Govinda with Mind and Body and with Intense Devotion,
Sri Venkateswara Stotram Lyrics in English With Meaning
Kamala kucha choochuka kumkumatho
Niyatharuni thaathula neela thano
Kamalayatha lochana loka pathe
Vijayee bhava venkata shaila pathe || 1 ||
Sa chaturmukha shanmukha panchamukha
Pramukhakhila daivatha mouli mane
Saranagatha vathsala sara nidhe
Paripalaya maam vrusha shaila pathe || 2 ||
Athivelathaya thava durvishahai
Anuvela kruthai , aparadha sathai
Bharitham thwaritham vrusha shaila pathe
Parayaa krupayaa pari pahi hare || 3 ||
Adhi venkata shailamudharamathe
Janathabhi mathaadhika dhana rathaath
Para devathaya gathi thaan nigamai
Kamala dayithaan param kalaye || 4 ||
Kalavenuravasa gopavadhoo
Sathakodi vruthaath,smarakodi samath
Prathi vallavikabhimadath sukhadath
Vasudeva suthaan na param kallaye || 5 ||
Abhirama gunakara dasarathe
Jagadeka dhanurdhara dheeramathe
Raghu nayaka rama, Ramesa Vibho
Varadho bhava , deva dayajaladhe || 6 ||
Avaneethanaya kamaneeya karam
Rajanikara charu mukhambhuruham
Rajanichara raja thamo mihiram
Mahaneeyam aham raghrama maye|| 7 ||
Sumukham suhrudham sulabham sukhadham
Savanujam cha sukhayam amogha saram
Apahaya raghudwaham anyam aham
Na kathanchana kanchana jaathu bhaje || 8 ||
Vina Venkatesam na natho na natha
Sada venkatesam smarami , smarami
Hare Venkatesa , praseedha praseedha
Priyam Venkatesa , prayacha prayacha || 9 ||
Aham dhooradasthe padambhoja yugma
Pranamechaya agathya sevam karomi
Sakruth sevaya nithya seva balam thwam
Prayacha praycha prabho Venkatesa ||10 ||
Agnaninam maya doshan
Aseshan vihithan hare
Kshamasva thwam, kshamasva thwam
Sesha shail shika mane ||
Lord Maha Vishnu Stotram – Sri Venkateswara Stotram Meaning:
Victory to the lord of Venkata Mountain,
Whose blue body coated with vermillion
From the breasts of Lakshmi appears red,
And who is the lord of the universe,
With eyes reminding us of the lotus flower.
Please protect me oh., Lord of Vrusha mountain,
Who is the crown jewel among all the gods,
With four faces, six faces and five faces,
And who is the ultimate treasure who loves,
Those who come and surrender to him,
Greatly trembling for having committed various sins,
And also trembling for having done hundreds of wrongs,
I have rushed speedily for surrendering to you, Lord of Vrusha,
And so Oh, Hari, please shower on me your eternal mercy,
There is none greater to you, Oh Lord of Lakshmi,
Who is merciful by nature residing on Venkata mountain,
Who blesses his devotees with much more than they desire,
And who is saluted by other gods and books that show the way.
There is no comparison to the son of Vasudeva,
Who attracts the gopa maidens,
by music from his flute,
And fulfills the desire of each gopi and gives her pleasure,
Much More than hundreds of crores of penances,
And prayers addressed to crores of similar Gods..
Become the boon giver, Oh sea of mercy,
Oh matchless doer of the good, Oh son of Dasaratha,
Oh only archer of the world, oh god with a brave heart,
Oh Rama the lord of Raghu clan,
And Oh God who is the Lord of Lakshmi.
I seek refuge in the great Rama of Raghu clan,
Whose pretty hands are held by the daughter of earth,
Who has a pretty lotus-like face, similar to the moon,
And who as a king walks at night and destroys darkness like the sun.
You are with a pleasant face, good heart,
Very easy to reach and giver of pleasures,
Along with your brothers and with a never-ending stream of arrows,
So leaving you, I would never at any time, even for a second,
Pray anyone else, Oh Jewel of the Raghu clan.
I do not have any Lord except Venkatesa,
I remember and remember only Lord Venkatesa,
So Hey Venkatesa, be pleased with me,
I request you to give me only what you like.
I was far away from your two lotus-like feet,
And have come with a wish to serve them,
And so I request and request you, Lord Venkatesa,
To please allow me to do good service to you.
Please pardon, please pardon,
Oh crest jewel of the Sesha mountain,
This ignorant sinner of the sins committed,
Due to sheer helplessness, Oh Hari.
Sri Venkateswara Prapatti Lyrics in English
Eashaanan Jagatosya Venkatapatevishnom Param Preyasi |
Tavdakshasthala Nityavaasarasikaan Tatyaanti Sanvardhineem ||
Padmaalakshatapaani Pallatayugaan Padmaasanastaan Triyam |
Vaatsalyaadi Gunojjwalaan Bhagavateen Vande Jaganmaataram || 1 ||
Sreemana Krupaajalanidhe Shritasarvaloka |
Sarvagna Shattaka Natvatsala Sarvasheshin ||
Swaamin Shusheela Shulabhaashrita Paarijaata |
Shree Venkatesha Sharanau Saranam Prapadhye || 2 ||
Aanoopuraapirta Sujaata Sughandhi Pushpa |
Saurabhya Saurabhakarou Samasanniveshou ||
Saumyou Sadaanu Bhavaneipi Navaanubhaavyo |
Shree Venkatesha Saranau Saranam Prapadhye || 3 ||
Sadgovikaasi Samudittvara Saandraraaga |
Saurabhya Nirbhara Sarorooha Saamyavaartaam ||
Samyakshu Saahasapadeshu Vilekhayantou |
Shree Venkatesha Sharanau Saranam Prapadhye || 4 ||
Rekhaamaya Dwaja Sudhaakala Shaatapatra |
Vjaraakrushaamburuha Kalpakashtachakrei ||
Bhavyeiralankrutatalou Para Tatva Chinhei |
Shree Venkatesha Sharanau Saranam Prapadhye || 5 ||
Tamrodaradguti Paraajita Padmaraagou |
Baaharyamarhobhirabhi Bhoota Mahendraneelou ||
Udhyanna Khanshubhirudasta Shashagda Bhaasou |
Shree Venkatesha Sharanau Saranam Prapadhye || 6 ||
Sapremabheeti Kamalaakara Pallavaabyaam |
Sanvaahaneipi Sapadi Kalmamaadadaanau ||
Kaantaavavaangmna Sagochara Saukumaaryo |
Shree Venkatesha Saranau Sharanam Prapadhye || 7 ||
Lakshmeemaheeta Danuroopa Nijaanubhaava |
Neelaadi DivyaMahishee Kara Pallavaanaam ||
Aarunyasankramanata Kila Saandraraagou |
Shree Venkatesha Saranau Sharanam Prapadhye || 8 ||
Nityaanamadhvidhi Shivadikireetakoti |
Pratyupradeepta Navaratna Maham Prarohem ||
Neeraajanaavidhi Mudharamupaadadaanou |
Shree Venkatesha Saranau Sharanam Prapadhye || 9 ||
Vishnom Pade Parama Ityudhitaprashansau |
Yau madhva Utsa Iti Bhogyatayaampyupaatou ||
Bhooyastatheti Tava Paanithaktapradhisto |
srivenkatesa caraṇau saranam prapadye || 10 ||
Paarthaaya Tatsavdasha Saarathinaa Twayeiva |
You Darshito Swacharanou Sharana Vrajeti ||
Bhooyokpi Mahamya Tou Karadarshitou Te |
Shree Venkatesha Saranau Sharanam Prapadhye || 11 ||
Manamoorgna Kaaliyaphane Vikataataveeshu |
Shree Venkatadri Shikare Shirasi Shrutinaama ||
Chittayekpyananyamanasaan Samamaahitou te |
Shree Venkatesha Saranau Sharanam Prapadhye || 12 ||
Amalanhrushya Davaneethala Keerna Pushpou |
Shree Venkatadri Shikaraabharanaayamaanou ||
Aanandhitaakhila Manonyanou Taveyto |
Shree Venkatesha Saranau Sharanam Prapadhye || 13 ||
Prayaap Prapannajanataa Prathamaavaghaahyou |
Maatrup Stanaaviva Shishouramrutaayamaanou ||
Praaptou Paraspuratulaamatulaantarou te |
Shree Venkatesha Saranau Sharanam Prapadhye || 14 ||
Satvottareyssatata Senya Padaambhujena |
Sansaarataara Kadayaardradraganjalena ||
Soumyopayantrumuninaa Mama Darshitou Te |
Shree Venkatesha Saranau Sharanam Prapadhye || 15 ||
Shreesha Shriyaa Ghatikyaa Twadupaayabhaave |
Praapye Twayi Swayamupetayaa Sphurantya ||
Nityaashritaaya Nirvadyagunaaya Tubhyan |
Syaan Kikkaro Vrushagirisha Na Jaatu Mahyam || 16 ||
Lord Maha Vishnu Stotram – Sri Venkateswara Prapatti Meaning
I salute Goddess Lakshmi,
who is the Mistress(queen) of the Universe,
who is the most beloved of Vishnu,
the Lord of Venkatachala,
who is fond of ever dwelling in His(Vishnu’s) chest,
who is the promoter of forgiveness,
who has sprout-like hands decorated with Lotuses,
who is seated on the Lotus,
(or seated in the posture of a Lotus, Padmasana),
who shines with virtues as mercy
and who is the mother of the Universe!
One possessed of Sri(wealth)!
Ocean of Compassion!
Creator of the whole Universe!
The Omniscient!
The Almighty!
Affectionate to those that bow(to Thee)!
The Principal(of the animate and inanimate world)!
Lord! easily attainable by persons of good conduct!
The Divine Tree(parijata) to those who seek refuge!
Venkatesa! I resort to Thy feet.
I seek refuge of Sri Venkateswara’s feet
which add fragrance to the smell of the sweet-smelling flowers
offered (decorated) upto the anklets,
which are well-placed and handsome,
and which are enjoyable anew,
even though they are ever-enjoyed.
I seek refuge of Sri Venkateswara’s feet
which induce us to ascribe to the hurriedly placed beautiful feet
the equality of lotuses,
which have just blossomed
and have well-emanating fragrance
and dense redness
(feet remind us their similarity with the lotuses),
and (state), as it were,
that comparing Lord’s feet with the lotuses
is a bold (hasty) step.
(It means the feet of the Lord are superior several times to the Lotuses and comparing them is a hasty action.)
I seek refuge of Sri Venkateswara’s feet
whose soles bear the marks of the Supreme spirit
like the Banner,
Pot of Ambrosia,
Divine Tree(Kalpaka Vrksha),
and the Disc, which are in the form of auspicious lines.
I seek refuge of Sri Venkateswara’s feet
whose reddish soles have surpassed
the lustre of the Rubies(padmaraga stones),
or red lotuses,
whose exteriors have excelled
the brilliance of the Sapphires(indranila stones)
and whose nails of the toes
have out-beaten the Moonlight.
I seek refuge of Sri Venkateswara’s feet
which, though massaged with love and apprehension
by the sprout-like hands of Lakshmi,
are at once experiencing fatigue,
which are very charming,
and the tenderness of which
is not within the scope of speech or mind.
I seek the refuge of Sri Venkateswara’ss feet,
which have become extremely red
in the account of union with red-ness of
the sprout-like hands of Divine Queens
like Sridevi,
and also Niladevi,
who has greatness like that of Sridevi and Bhudevi.
I seek refuge of Sri Venkateswara’s feet,
which receive as it were,
the grand nirajana (arati)
by the multitude of lustres
of effulgent nine gems
(studded) on the edge of the crowns
of Brahma, Siva and others,
who bow their heads daily.
I seek refuge of Sri Venkateswara’s feet,
which are extolled (in the Rg Veda)
as “Visnoh parame pade” (in the most exalted abode of Vishnu),
which are, (again) extalled therein
as “madhva utsa” (meaning the fountain the honey)
as extremely enjoyable
and which are indicated as such by
the show of the palm of Thy hand.
I seek refuge of Sri Venkateswara’s feet,
which were shown to Arjuna by Thee(Krishna),
the worthy charioteer of Arjuna,
as ‘seek their refuge’,
and which are now again, here, (on Venkatadri),
pointed out to me (‘as seek their refuge’)
by Thy hand.
I seek refuge of Sri Venkateswara’s feet,
which are placed alike
on my (this sinner’s) head,
on the hood of the serpent Kaliya,
in the thick forests,
on the peak of the Venkatachala,
in the Upanishads,
and in the hearts of the sages
who meditate on God only.
(It means the Lord exists everywhere.)
I seek refuge of Sri Venkateswara’s feet,
around which the scattered flowers
remain unwithered and blossoming,
(The feet) which are as ornament
to the Venkatachala
and (The feet) by which
the hearts and eyes of all persons are delighted.
I seek refuge of Sri Venkateswara’s feet,
which are to be seen at first
by the people that salute (them),
which are nectar-like
as the mother’s breasts are to the baby,
which can be compared to each other,
and which are incomparable to anything else.
I seek refuge of Thy feet
which were shown to me by the sage Manavata,
the sage whose feet are always worshipped
by the Sattvic people (men of Sattva guna)
and whose mild, merciful glances
enable (men) to cross the ocean of tranmigration. (samsara)
When Thou art a means (upaya) to the devotees
for the attainment of the Supreme Abode (Liberation);
Lakshmi brings about this.
When Thou becometh the object of attainment (prapya),
Lakshmi too appears to be so,
resorting to Thee always,
Thou art of pure, faultless qualities.
I become servant to Thee and not to myself at any time.
Sri Venkateswara Mangala Stotram Lyrics in English
Sriyah kanthaya kalyana nidhaye nidhayerthinam
Sri Venkata nivasaya Srinivasaya Mangalam || 1 ||
Lakshmi savibhramaloka-subhru vibhrama chakshushe
Chakshushe SarvaloKanam Venkatesaya Mangalam || 2 ||
Sri Venkatadri Sringagra-Mangalaha bharananghraye
Mangalanam nivasaya Venkatesaya Mangalam || 3 ||
Sarvavayava soundarya Sampadha Sarvachethasam
Sada sammohanayasthu Venkatesaya Mangalam || 4 ||
Nithyaya niravadhyaya Sathyananda chidhathmane.
Sarvantharathmane Srimad Venkatesava Mangalam || 5 ||
Swathassarvavide sarvasakthaye Sarvaseshine.
Sulabhaya Suseelaya Venkatesaya Mangalam || 6 ||
Parasmai Brahmane Poorna Kamaya Paramathmane.
Prayunje Parathathvaya Venkatesaya Mangalam || 7 ||
Akalathathva masrantha mathmanamanu-pasyatham.
Athripthya mritha rupaya Venkatesaya Mangalam || 8 ||
Prayah swacharanow Pumsam Saranyathvena Panina.
Kripaya dhisathe Srimad-Venkatesava Mangalam || 9 ||
Dhayamritha tharanginya-Stharangairiva Seethalaih.
Apagaissinchalhe viswam Venkatesava Mannalam || 10 ||
Sragbhushambara hetheenam Sushamava hamurthaye.
Sarvarthi Samanavasthu Venkatesaya Mangalam || 11 ||
Sri Vaikunta virakthaya Swami Pushkarineethate
Ramaya Ramamanaya Venkatesaya Mangalam || 12 ||
Srimad sundarajamathru manimanasavasine.
Sarvaloka Nivasava Srinivasaya Mangalam || 13 ||
Mangalasasana paraih madacharya Purogamaih.
Sarvaischa Purvairacharyaih Sathkrithayasthu, Mangalam || 14 ||
sri padmavatī sameta sri sarinivasa parabrahmane namaḥ
Lord Maha Vishnu Stotram – Sri Venkateswara Mangalasasanam Meaning
May all auspiciousness shower on Srinivasa of Venkatagiri! He is the Lord of Lakshmi and is the rich mine of all auspiciousness. He is the immeasurable wealth for all those, who seek Him.He has chosen the Venkatam hills for His eternal residence.
May all auspiciousness shower on Sri Venkatesa, the eye of all the Universes! Over the eyes are His beautiful eyebrows and over them is His endearing forehead region.When Sri MahA Lakshmi, His divine consort, glances at this beautiful face of Sri Venaktesa, She Herself is dismayed and overcome by the matchless beauty of Her Lord’s face.
The divine feet of Sri Venaktesa adorn the peak of the Thiruvenkatam hills. These feet empower the Thiruppathi hills to become a source of all blesisngs to the devotees of Srinivasa. Let the world’s Supreme auspiciousness come the way of Sri Venkatesa.
There is no one on this earth, who has not been overcome by the supreme beauty of Lord Venkatesa. Every one of His limbs are celebrated for their unmatchable beauty. It is no wonder He enchants His devotees with His soundharyam. Let no evil eye fall on Him and let the world’s supreme auspiciousness come His way.
Lord Venkateswara is the embodiment of the five supreme principles celebrated by the Upanishads. These are Satyathvam (eternal truth), Jn~Athvam (True Knowledge), Anantathvam (Eternal presence), Amalathvam (blemishlesness)and Aanandhathvam (Eternal Bliss). Sri Venkatesa is the Parabrahmam in whom all the above five attributes find their home. He is the One, who is resident in the heart lotus of all living beings. Let no harm come to Him and may he be blessed with all auspiciousness!
Lord Venkatesa comprehends every thing without anyone’s help. He is Omnipresent.He is the residual force
after every thing is destroyed by the supreme deluge (PraLayam). He is easy to reach.He has the most auspicious gunas. Let all blessings befall Sri Venkatesa!
Wherever the Upanishads use the word “Para Brahman”, they have in mind Sriman NaarAyaNan, who stands on
top of the Thiruvenaktam hills as Srinivasan. There is nothing that He can not attain, when He desires it. He is all powerful.There is no one in any world, who can disobey His command without incurring His
wrath. No atom vibrates in this Universe without His empowerment. Let all auspiciousness befall Lord Venkatesa of Thirumalai-Thiruppathi hills!
Lord Venkatesa is celebrated for the divine beauty of His archa vigraham worshipped at Thirumalai. He
is also revered for His attributes as well as His Aathma svarUpam or Para Brahmam aspects. There has
never been any one in the past or present, who have been satiated from looking at the matchless physical
beauty or thinking about His incomparable anantha kalyana gunas. In future also, it is unlikely that
we would meet any one, who will fully understand the Sri Venkatesa Tatthvam or Svaroopam. Let all
MangaLAs accumulate and reach the divine feet of Lord Venkatesa!
Lord Venkatesa! Your right hand has a varadha mudhra (gesture). That gesture points to the direction of
Your divine feet. It appears that this mudhra reveals Your secret that Your holy feet are the sole means
for deliverance from the ills of samsara through the act of surrender (Saranagathi) unto them. Let all
Mangalas come Your way as the reveler of Saranagathi rahasyam out of Your infinite mercy through this mudhra!
Lord Venkatesa looks at the world with His eyes full of infinite mercy and compassion. The world and its denizens respond with supreme joy; their happiness is comparable to the joy resulting from repeated immersions in a wave-laden river of nectar. The world and its lives are rejuvenated and energized by the power of that merciful look. Let all Mangalas fall on the supreme abode of Daya, Sri Venkatesa!
Lord Venkatesa has the most beautiful body, which is adorned by fragrant garlands, powerful weapons
and lovely clothes. He wipes out the sorrows of all of His devotees. Let all auspiciousness shower on
the beautiful Thirumeni of Sri Venkatesa!
Sriman Naarayanaa got tired of His abode in Sri Vaikuntam and abandoned it in favor of a new residence on the banks of Swami Pushkarani at Thirumalai. There, He has incarnated as Sri Venkatesa and protects forever His dear devotees; there, He also sports with Sri Maha Lakshmi and has given Her a preferred seat of residence on His chest and thereby acquired the name of Srinivasan. Let all Mangalams befall Srinivasa of Swami Pushkarani!
Sri Venkatesa resides in the heart lotus of great BhakthAs like Sri Manavala MaamunigaL. He is the indweller(antharyami) of all living beings. Let all auspiciousness come the way of Sri Venkatesa, who is the succor and sustenance of all Bhaagavathas!
All of my Acharyas (preceptors), their Acharyas, and the other Acharyas have sung the glory of Sri Venkatesa’s auspicious attributes from time immemorial. Adiyen’s praise of His Kalyana gunas is therefore nothing new and does represent an isolated act. Adiyen joins with my Acharyas and predecessors in wishing Sri Venkatesa all auspiciousness!
" Om Namo Venkatesaya "
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