Sri Dakshinamurthy Stotram
Sri Dakshinamurthy Stotram with Lyrics Sri Dakshinamurthy Stotram by Adi Sankara Bhagawat Pada Adhi Sankara has written very many great Stotras (prayers) but here is a unique prayer, which is not only a prayer but the summary of all the philosophy that he has taught. Even during his time, this stotra was difficult to comprehend and it became necessary for one of his disciples, Sureshwaracharya to write a commentary called Manasollasa to this stotra. There is a large number of books and commentaries on this commentary itself. Mouna Vyakhya prakatitha, para, Brahma thathwam yuvanam, Varshishtha anthevasad rishiganai, Ravrutham brahma nishtai, Acharyendram kara kalihtha chin, Mudram ananda roopam, Swathmaramam mudhitha vadanam, Dakshinamurthim eede. I praise and salute that Dakshinamrthy, Who faces the south, Who explains the true nature of the supreme Brahman, Through his state of silence, Who is young in looks, Who is surrounded by discip...
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